Corona Mapper

Starting Point

December 2019. 

A mysterious virus started to spread from Wuhan - China. 

Everybody wanted to know the status of the infection, but at those times, data was only available in China. 

  • There was the urgent need for a fast and reliable map that showed the spread of the virus in the world
  • Data should be extremely reliable and updated as frequently as possible
  • The map should be available in the fastest time possible, due to possible competitors solving these points before us.
Our solution

In record times, we developed a custom solution in Python and R. 

The map scraped data daily from the chinese government, polished and standardized it and then displayed several statistics on the map, such as number of infected, death or cured. 

The development for the go-live took roughly one full week by our entire team, while the improvements in speed and user experience continued for several months.

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Final Results

The final result was an enormous success, leading the client to have:

  • More than 100.000 unique visitors to the map
  • Several sponsors supported the development (
  • Several publications cited CoronaMapper as data source
  • National coverage by Swiss public news

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